Agroecology and raw materials: SWISSAID is working in Tanzania to improve the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and miners.

In close cooperation with local partner organisations, we are supporting smallholder farming families to increase their income through agro-ecological cultivation methods and better access to markets. The raw materials sector must become more transparent and standards for small-scale mining must be improved. Women play an important part: they are encouraged to take on leadership roles and get actively involved.


In the country since:
Mtwara, Lindi, Morogoro, Geita
Rank in the Human Development Index:
160 out of 191
Current Projects:
Annual budget:
CHF 1’497’031


  • Smallholder farming families build up their knowledge of agroecology and locally cultivated seed systems, thereby improving their livelihoods sustainably.
  • Transparency and accountability in the raw materials sector are increased, and mining is promoted in a more responsible, “fair gold” manner in conjunction with political activities in Switzerland.
  • Gender equality is promoted through training, giving women easier access to economic opportunities and strengthening their political participation.

The Tanzania country program is co-financed by the SDC program contribution.