Poverty and an unstable political situation: little Guinea-Bissau is struggling with major problems. We are supporting smallholder families and strengthening civil society.

Guinea-Bissau, in western Africa, has been suffering from political instability for over 30 years. Left to fend for itself, the population is struggling with major poverty problems. SWISSAID encourages the rural population, and in particular women, to join forces at village level and stand up for their rights together. As well as helping smallholder families produce enough food for their own needs through agroecology, we campaign for greater transparency and fairness in the raw materials industry. Gender equality plays a decisive role in all areas.


In the country since:
Bafatá, Cacheu, Oio, Biombo/Bissau, Quinara, Gabu
Rank in the Human Development Index:
177 out of 191
Current Projects:
Annual budget:
CHF 1,893,914


  • The rural population joins forces at village level to tackle problems together and pave the way to ownership of land, to microcredits and to better education.
  • Village communities gain in confidence and defend their interests vis-à-vis the local authorities and businesses.
  • In the context of the climate crisis, agroecology ensures that smallholder families produce enough food to secure their livelihoods all year round and to increase their income.
  • The inequality between women and men in decision-making and political participation is reduced and gender equality is promoted.
  • Rural businesses are strengthened and the economic inclusion of young people is improved. Entrepreneurs create profitable markets for rural communities by improving or introducing environmentally friendly agroforestry and agroecological processes.

The Guinea-Bissau country program is co-financed by the SDC program contribution.